Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My ticket-stub collage!

So, I had had the idea of doing this for quite some time now!

The idea occurred to me when I went to my brother's house here for the first time. He has this great idea of putting together small, personal, every day stuff and basically filling his home with them. To give you an example, he had made a collage of the Starbucks zarfs he had collected over the years and had thrown some paint on them to give it kind of an artistic look and hung it on the wall! I liked the idea. (By the way, if you're wondering what zarf is, I learned this word based on a link that Roger Ebert had posted a few months back, where it said the things we use everyday but don't have a name for, actually have names! And one of them was the paper/carton thing that are used around the coffee cups in places like Starbucks, that protects our hands from burning, which is called, guess what?! Yes, a zarf, which in Persian means a dish!)
I had also seen Nate Berkus (the interior designer) on Oprah, use these personal things to decorate people's houses.

I have been keeping the ticket-butts from all the movies that I have seen since I've come to US. So, after seeing these I had this bingo moment when I finally knew how I can put them into "good" use and also show them off! :p
I planned on buying a frame and putting the ticket-butts in it and it finally happened tonight! I was so excited that I wanted to share it, and mostly brag about it to someone! And as my roommate said, the eventual plan is to make this frame get bigger and bigger and bigger over the years!

We were initially planning on watching "Side-effects" this evening and I was going to finally write a review on a recent movie but the plan got cancelled (or postponed...whatever!)! I'll probably write about it after I see it over the weekend. After I got home, I was planning on watching a movie to write about it in the blog but I had bought some things to finally decorate our living room and I got so occupied with it, and with this frame that when I finally got the time to get up, it was 1:30 in the morning!

So anyway...this is the best I could do for tonight! :D

Later dudes!


  1. hmmm, new word for tonight, Zarf! That was interesting. You know what? We also have another idea that haven't had time to come around doing it but will do it eventually. We have saved the corks from almost every bottle of wine that we have had. Soon, they will be put into good use as well.

    1. Yeah, I had noticed them in a bowl under the coffee-table and I had also liked that idea. I even told my roommate about it! :D
      But the new project must be fun! Hmmm...wait for me so we can do it together! :D
