Friday, July 17, 2015


"3.5 stars out of 4"

I had always dreamt of a sitcom type movie. I always wondered why we had to sit through so many bland lines before we got to a punchline. I wanted a movie that made me laugh so hard that my stomach hurt but that was smart at the same time.

And my wish was finally granted!

I've always admired Judd Appatow's comedy and movies. My favorite is Knocked Up. But yours might be 40-year-old Virgin. The last movie I saw of him was Funny People, which ironically was not all that funny.

But ladies and gents, we have an all time winner!

I was really expecting a mediocre (at most) type of comedy, after checking the reviews online before going to the movie. A "5.9: iMDB? Really? You guys are too harsh. If it wasn't for the very cheesy ending (which I've repeated over and over again that is one of the important parts of the movie, if not the most important. But c'mon. It's a RomCom. It's supposed to have a cheesy ending. It almost reminded me of Friends with Benefits (also a good RomCom but not as good as this one).

Amy Schumer has recently gained a lot of fame for her raw comedy. And I was really impressed to find out at the end of the movie that she was also the writer of the movie. Good stuff. I'm not at all surprised that she was able to land such big names for directing and acting.

In this movie, she played the role of a magazine column-writer, who due to her parents divorce has become a "trainwreck". She sleeps around, does not believe in monogamy, drinks booze, smokes pot, the whole shebang. But when she interviews her new column-star (Bill Hader), she tries to resist the feelings that come to her. When Bill Hader's character was first introduced in the movie I felt like the movie lost its tempo. But I was somewhat wrong. Don't get me wrong, he is one of my all time favorite SNL actors and he did not disappoint as the lead love interest. There were also several cameo and top notch actors with small roles in this movie: Lebron James, Matthew Broderick,... But the most interesting one to me was Tilda Swinton. I had always seen her in serious, drama movies, such as Michael Clayton, that I had the hardest time placing her in my mind. It took me a while to figure out where I had seen her before!! I gotta say, the long hair and tanned skin also threw me off a little. I also liked the cameo of two stars in the mini-movie that was in this movie! I'm not giving it away to not spoil it for you guys. But you're in for a treat.

But overall, this is the perfect weekend movie. I know what you might be thinking. I gave North by Northwest 3.75 stars and this one 3.5?! Shouldn't there be a huge difference? Well, the answer is no. They are in two different grenres and there is no less value in a good RomCom than there is in a drama or a Hitchcock suspense.

If you disregard the cheesy ending, you won't be disappointed and will get your money's worth. More than if you spend on seeing the Minions. There is also relatable topics discussed in this movie, as well. Well, for those of you who are females and are going through a quarter life crisis!

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