Friday, January 25, 2013

A little about me

It's been a long time since I first got interested in blogging. My first blog called "footballism" was about football or "soccer", where I wrote reviews on soccer matches. When there was a debate on letting women attend Iran's national team's qualifying matches for WorldCup 2006 held in Azadi Stadium in Tehran, a journalist from Radio Farda who had found my blog through Orkut, called me to interview me and ask for my opinion about this debate. And that was when I first got interested in journalism but since journalists can't work as freely as they must in Iran and I had already picked another route in high school which didn't make me eligible to apply for journalism, I decided to continue that route and change my major for master's (based on what a friend suggested when my mom took me to talk to him to dissuade me from journalism!). After finishing my bachelor's and coming to US to continue my master's in the same major, and after one semester when I had got so depressed from missing home, I decided to make the most of residency in "the land of dreams" and turn my misery into something that I had always aspired to be, hence the blog! This is going to be my resume for my application hopefully!

I logged into blogger and saw that I had already picked a name for my blog which I had intended to start months ago. My interests have shifted towards movies from soccer since I've finished high school. Since this is still what I want to start my blog with, I am keeping the name.
I worship the reviews that Roger Ebert writes and the articles he posts on Facebook and I think this is what I want to do in life: make what I like doing most in my spare time turn into my job. Isn't it convenient!

I hope you enjoy this blog and help me be more creative and give me suggestions on how to make my work better and more interesting. Feel free to give me suggestions on what to write about if you find my opinions appealing.

By the way, English is my second language (actually third!) and I hope you will excuse my occasional grammatical errors and help me improve my English as well.

I was talking to my brother recently on writing a blog and he gave me this tip that the blogs that are most successful are the ones that post on a regular basis and that's what I'll try to do to keep this going. Though it's going to be rather hard to do so, for I have 3 courses this semester on top of being a research assistant AND a language conversation partner, I promise to do my best.

I want to thank my friend "P" who got me motivated on doing this when she saw my misery and also "M" who generously last night (on her birthday) told me that she thinks I've got it in me to become a journalist. Because I am not that "nosy" and usually am not inclined to ask questions I thought I am not cut off for this but she told me that I can do this because she's seen how thorough I am on background checks and how I pay attention to the smallest details in researching movies! I believe that I am good in research and I hope she is right!

This was my first post. A brief introduction. Stay tuned to hear more from me.



  1. SO far, based on just reading your first post, I have to say I am very impressed.
    Good luck and keep it going.
    I think it would have also helped to further explain your situation, coming from Iran and being in US for only about five months now.
    Keep it coming, sis.


  2. Love how you signed bro!
    At first I thought it's not safe to say I am from Iran, in case I write something unappealing to them and get prosecuted by Iranian government! But then I thought I came here to become a journalist, if I wanted to be scared and be a journalist I could've stayed back home! But I think in my other posts they got it that I am from Iran!
    And as for the five months issue you mentioned, I said in this post that I was homesick after my first semester so I started this blog and I thought it was clear that I have been here for only a semester but now that I think about it, I think you're right!
    They will get it when I inevitably start incorporating personal details into my posts! Actually I think I did mention it in my last entry!
    Too many exclamation marks?! Hmmm, there is no such thing as too many exclamation marks! :D

    Thanks for the first comment :)
    This is exciting!
