Sunday, May 12, 2013

Amherst and food! Vol. II

So, we didn't get to see The Great Gatsby. Surprised?! Not me! Therefore, here comes the next few places you can enjoy while visiting Amherst:


6. Lone Wolf (Downtown Amherst):

I am not doing this place justice by putting it in the number 6 position. Actually, the order, at least in this case, is irrelevant. I was so proud of myself after having written the last post when I thought that I had evened out all different kinds of restaurants (Asian, Mexican,...), but it was only after posting it that I realized I had missed out my favorite brunch place. I now regret not putting it at the top of my list!
The following day of my first day in Amherst, me and my family decided to go out for brunch and after an online search we decided to go to "The Lone Wolf", and I am so happy that we did. Because even now it counts as one of my favorite places that I've ever had brunch at (followed closely by Waffle Shop in State College!).
This place is so good that I have never seen myself or any of my friends be disappointed, or actually not be highly satisfied, with what we've got. You just can't go wrong with what they have to offer. Friendly staff is a plus at this place. Unfortunately, and surprisingly for me, I have never taken a picture of my food at Lone Wolf. This is actually another good sign that you should try this place. It means that it looks so good that I have never even gotten a chance to take a picture before I had gobbled down what was on my plate!
This place will keep you going back for more :)


7. Hangar Pub & Grill (5 minute drive from down Amity road from downtown Amherst):

With their website named "Wings over Amherst" you can guess what this place is famous for. Their chicken wings are to die for. They also offer ribs but I, personally, am not a big fan of ribs and it seems like neither are my friends because we have always ordered chicken wings. Since I only like chicken breast (not because I am a weird nutritionist, it's just about the taste!), I always order the boneless version but from the looks on my friends' faces when they were having their "actual" wings, I can tell that it's as tasty. They also have a variety of flavors and sauces that you can choose from and are so delish!
As a side, we always order the waffle fries (but this time I am a weird nutritionist who disapproves, but eats the waffles anyway!), just because my friends love them. Have never tried anything else as a side myself.
As for drinks, I have never been there to have drinks but once I ordered a glass of Shiraz (who on earth drinks red wine with greasy wings???) and didn't like it.


8. Go Berry (Downtown Amherst):

I know there are different places for Frozen Yoghurt in different parts of the country, but if you are ever in this area, the place to go is Go Berry! I don't know how many branches and in what parts of the country or area they have, but I have seen one in Northampton too.
Unlike many other FroYos, this one is not one of those self-serve ones where you can pour and weigh your own but they offer three different cups and sizes (being S/M/L) and the small one that I have always gotten is more than enough because the texture is so thick and great. The toppings are a little pricey but I think it's worth it. Unlimited chocolate/honey sauce for the topping! For the topping get the Bobba-something (I can't remember the actual name), which pops in your mouth and has a funny feeling to it!:D


9. Antonio's (Downtown Amherst):

While writing the previous paragraph, I was thinking of where I should write about next, when Antonio's popped into my head and made me cut the Go Berry paragraph short!
Antonio's must be one of those places that would count as a landmark in Amherst! It is one of the "musts". If you ever ask a local where you can get good food with great price, I am almost certain that this name will come up. So, the order number in this case can also count as irrelevant.
On its door head it says "Pizza by the slice". You can choose different types of their never ending variety of pizzas and as a girl actually 1 slice and if I am reaaally hungry 1.5 suffices! If you're a guy, I would say at least get two!
I have never met two people who have liked the same kind of pizza at this place only because they offer different kinds enough to meet all kinds of expectations and cravings. I, as a humble "opinionist", am a big fan of their mushroom-steak. But you will definitely get what you came looking for at this place.


10.  Moti (Downtown Amherst):

I wanted to make this a top-10 list, so this last one was a tough one to choose from the list I had. But since I wanted to even out different kinds of places in my shortlist, although I had better options in mind, I am going to go with Moti as my number 10 but mention the other places as a "p.s.".
Moti is actually owned by an Iranian lady called "Mohtaram", hence the name Moti! It claims to serve Persian and Mediterranean food but it does not offer authentic Iranian cuisine. Its menu is kind of westernized/Americanized.
The food I would recommend for you to have is their "Famous NY lamb and chicken" which is delicious with a reasonable price. They are famous for their wraps, which are OK but I wouldn't call them GREAT and they wouldn't be my first choice. As for the appetizer, I would say their hummus. (I just remembered this table that tracked down your religion based on your food choices and the cutoff point between being a Jew and a Muslim was liking hummus! :)) If you like it you're most probably a Muslim!) Anyway, their salad, doogh, and I've heard their Mirza (-ghassemi) are also good. But I am dying to try their Dolmades once, especially that this dish is the specialty of my hometown! (It is almost like sushi...rice and herbs wrapped in grape leaves, not with fish though! But I know some like adding beef to the combo, but I don't like it that way!
I wouldn't go near their Koubideh wrap but the chicken wraps are OK and the best wraps (from the ones that I've tried) would be the Barg wrap.
Their Lamb Stew is funny in not having consistent taste! Once I tasted it and it tasted like Abgoosht (an Iranian dish that I don't like...I know I're mad at me...calm down!), and the other time it tasted like Khoresh Gheyme (which I love! Hah?! Right?! Right?! Like me better now?!) but I don't want to take the chance in case it is one of the days that it tastes like Abgoosht!
Anywho, I think I basically covered every single option there was on Moti's menu!

I would like to say Bon Appetite in advance. Hope you have enjoyed these two posts. I am sure you did if you love food.
In Ratatouille (the cartoon), there is a scene where the boy (can't remember his name...Renato, was it?!), tells Ego (the food-critique): "You are too thin for someone who likes food"! and in response Ego says: "I don't like food, I LOVE it, and when I don't like it, I don't swallow"! Unfortunately for me, I have swallowed so many not so good tasting foods! :D So I don't look thin. But first of all, I am not a picky eater...not anymore at least! I mean, I can tell what food is good and which one is not but I don't complain a lot about what I eat. And secondly and most importantly, how would I have ever known all these good foods to write these posts, to guide you, if I hadn't tasted all these foods?! :)

The other places I would recommend goes as follows:

Pasta E Basta (Downtown Amherst): I've only been to this place once and it was AWESOME! I don't know why we don't go there more often! We ordered a large pizza for three, and we weren't even near finishing half of it! I think it was Alfredo pizza but I am guessing all their pizzas would be delicious based on only one. was THAT good!
The only complaints I have about this place is that our food was brought to our table late and some parts of the crust was actually burnt! But overall it was a good experience.

Packard's (Northampton): This is a good place to have drinks. Don't recommend the burgers. Do recommend the fries!

Arizona Pizza (Hampshire Mall, Hadley): I just searched their menu online to look for the name of the pizza I had the first time I went there and found out that it's not actually a local place and have many other branches in other places like Florida, so this one doesn't count but I'm gonna go ahead and write about it anyway.
I didn't find the pizza I had there the first time. They have either eliminated it because it wasn't that popular or haven't gotten the chance to add it to their website yet, which is unlikely since this is 8-months ago we're talking about! Anyway, it had bleu cheese topping and it was good. But the best one would be hands down their Cheese-steak Pizza. Again...satisfaction, guaranteed!
I also had a glass of Chardonnay there once (again, who the hell has wine with their pizza??) and it was so gooood! But this one is probably local...I don't think they'd serve the same brand of wine in all of their branches...or maybe they do! I'm not sure. But for it!

Speaking of pizza, still the best kind of pizza I've had in the US so far would be Domino's Extravaganza! I mean OH MY GOD! Even, thinking about it makes my mouth water! I made a few alterations while ordering it online, but I think it would be good any way you'd try it.

Ooh, one other place, non-specific to Amherst, that I just tried and obviously am excited about is the Friendly's ice-cream...I mean YUM-MY!

There are many other places in Amherst I still need to try, namely Judie's and Chez Albert. Judie's just because everyone else has tried it. What I've heard is good there are their pop-overs and cheese cakes, but I am not sure how accountable the opinion of these people was! Chez Albert is a little pricey, I've heard, so that's why we've never been. And I have no idea what it would be like. I think it was mediocre compared to their prices but again...I'm not one hundred percent sure.

There is a bagel shop and a doughnut bakery in downtown Amherst which have the priority in my list! I'll definitely try them and get back to you as soon as I get back to Amherst! ;)
I miss that place! Amherst I mean. It's amazing how attached you can get to a place in only a few months and call it home. It's the place with all the wonderful people. There's something to it. I can say I've never met any "bad" person per se in Amherst...what draws them all to this tiny place...I don't know!
But if you are ever around, try to visit it and just let me know and I would be more than happy to show you around! :) But try to visit some time between April and October because other than that the weather is just YUCK and I hate to stay out in the cold! :D

So...yeah...that's about it!

By the way, It's funny how I didn't have any pictures of any of the foods I've had at these places!
This must've been a bore for you to read a photo-less post! Sorry about that :)

And oh! Happy birthday to me! :) Finally! The quarter of century is here!

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