Saturday, February 2, 2013


I've had a terrible head ache for three days now, and that's the reason why I haven't been able to watch a movie and update my blog. But I was itching to write and also, I don't wanna disappoint my fans (haha!).
I am going to write about some random stuff (obviously!).

First of all, I wanna say, reading car plates in America is not fun at all! I demand the US officials to do something about this! Since I don't have a car and don't drive here I hadn't paid attention but when I was on the bus the other day I started looking at plates and they were something like "577 SJ 8"! I mean, WHAT THE HELL?! Don't they know we need something to read while we're driving?! And by we, of course, I mean weirdos like me! :D
In Iran, the template for plates is like this: "two numbers - an alphabetic letter - three numbers". Take this for an example: 64 B 325. You see what I mean?! You see how fun this is?! No?! Ok, let me explain. I would compare the numbers on both sides of the letter and see if I can find a numerical relation between them. 32 is 64 divided by two, and 5 is 3 plus 2! You see how amazing that is?! Still no?! OK, what the hell are you doing in my blog?! Private property. GET OUT! Juuust kidding...don't get out! I have like 3 follower, including my mom and my brother! :D

OK, now that I have addressed this very important issue, I wanna give you a quick tip on how to detect an Iranian in US in winter time. You see that girl standing in the bus stop who is apparently wearing two pants because she can't move, a pair of warm UGG-like boots, and has a scarf around her neck with, well of course gloves and on top of that she has put her hands inside her pocket (occasionally bringing one out to cover her nose so it wouldn't fall off the next day), plus she is the only one covering her head with a hat on her head, and on top of that she has pulled the hat of her long jacket on her head as well and still looks like she's cold? Well, that's a typical Iranian girl in winter time! Because it is F-ing cold! I don't know how you guys can walk around with shorts or with a single shirt or max sweater, and I can see some of you are shivering, so why resist?! And you know what, we are cursing you in our hearts because it's not fair!

Now that I have made it clear that you are the weirdos and not us, let's get back to some movie business!
I went to watch Skyfall with a few of my friends back when it was first out, because supposedly it was the best Bond movie of all time! Well, it was definitely not! And it's not like that I have high expectations or I am a chick and like many other girls I am saying "Oh, why are they chasing each other on top of a building, it is so unreal!" No, I don't say that and I hate those people as much as you do. Well...hate is a strong word...let's say I don't approve of those people!
Anyway, as I was saying, I got there with reasonable expectations, and they were not met at all! I haven't watched that many Bond movies and hadn't watched any in a theater before, so I should've been overwhelmed but I was not. Daniel Craig himself was OK, but first of all the villain was not that good. I like Javier Bardem but let's be frank, he wasn't that scary. Maybe he was trying to pull off another scary role with a haircut but who are we (or in this case he) are kidding, No Country for Old Men had the Cohens!
I am a straight girl, so I shouldn't be saying this but what was up with the Bond girl?! I mean, one of the vital ingredients of a Bond movie is the Bond girl. Everybody's expecting that. But *SPOILER ALERT*, she got killed off early in the movie! What was the point of having her then?!

Anyway, this was the best I could do as a review for this movie. I said in a previous post that I will write about the new movies when I get a chance to see them again, but not this one. I wouldn't call seeing this movie again a "chance"! So, here you go!
But what I wanted to say mainly, was to praise Adele. Oh my God, what a heavenly voice! When the movie started with the song I was like, "who is this?! This song is amazing!" and then I saw her name in the credits and I was like well, that explains it! Throughout the movie it was stuck with me. Maybe that was the reason why I managed to get through it. Well, maybe it's not so fair to say it like that. It wasn't that bad, honestly. But when the movie was over, I turned to my friends and said, the best part of the movie was the opening credit with Adele's voice and it was a unanimous call!
She has won almost every award for this song in the movie-award shows so far, and I hope she wins the Oscar too. Actually I am sure that she will!

I give this movie 2 out of 4 stars.

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