Thursday, March 7, 2013


"4 stars out of 4"

Is it possible to give a movie more than 4 starts? 'Cause this movie totally deserves an extra, or half at least! I mean WOW!

I am just speechless. I am trying to think of something to write but my mind has gone all blank on me! It is THAT good!

It's a beautiful movie about love. That simple (and THAT obvious!). You can see the love from the very start. It engages you so deep in the movie. You don't expect it from a movie that is not that dynamic or dramatic. When watching this movie you can see how beautiful love is.

I started to write a summary about the story, in case you didn't already know it, but I deleted the whole thing mid-writing it. You would have to see this movie. No summary will this movie justice and actually there is no summary! So, I beg of you, watch this!

Unfortunately, I haven't seen any other movies from Haneke (yet!) but I absolutely loved this movie and should start putting his movies on my watchlist. The long non-stop shots you see in this movie are risky shots. Not everyone can take them and not lose their audience. This shows his brilliance. I have talked about long shots before in Woody Allen's movies but these are different. No movement of the camera and only dialogue. I didn't see this day coming (anytime soon at least!) but I've gotta say, his are even better than Allen's!

Not only would I, the avid Argo supporter, have given the best picture award to this movie, but I would have also, at least, chosen Emmanuelle Riva as the runner up for best leading actress (I wanted to say announce her the winner, but Jennifer Lawrence's performance in the clip they showed as the nominee kept coming to my mind so I think it was fair to give her the award).

This movie will take you by surprise and shake you to the very core. When seeing the trailer I thought OK, this is a story about a man who loves his sick wife and takes care of her, blah blah blah! But when the movie ended, it was like someone (probably the director!) had said "HA! In your face! Simple love story...HUH!"

Not only didn't I see this coming, but there is also more to this movie than that.

And as we come to my favorite and most critical part of the movie, the ending (!), I've gotta say juuust perfect! I kept saying in the last shot that he should end this movie now, if he knows anything about movies he should end it now, don't you dare ruin this for me! And guess what?! He didn't! :)

(Gotta go check what Ebert has to say about this! I know he, too, gave this movie 4 stars but I didn't read his review so that I can be unbiased when watching it. I will get back to you about his review later.)

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